Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nut Job: Using Hemp Seeds & Why They are Good for You!

Nut Job is a short 7 week segment here on The Prairie Healer where I am featuring my favorite nuts and seeds.  I'll briefly discuss why these are super foods powerhouses, how to use them & their benefits. 

Until recently, I have never really used hemp seeds for anything, though I was aware of their use in making milk for those allergic to just about anything.  There is no known allergy to hemp seeds, which is helpful to those allergic or sensitive to gluten, lactose, sugar, fish, nuts or meats.  They are nutty, but not overpowering, more like a sunflower seed in that way.
According to the Organic Jar: Hemp Seeds, are the most nutritionally complete food source in the world! Hemp has been eaten for thousands of years in different parts of the world. It’s the seed that we eat, and it’s beneficial in terms of protein and essential fatty acids. There’s evidence that goes back thousands of years that it was being eaten in China and in different places around the world for their health benefits.Hemp seeds have an astonishing balanced nutritional make-up. It is one of the plant kingdom’s most concentrated, complete and balanced sources of all 10 essential amino acids (EAA’s) and essential fatty acids (EFA’s) which are necessary to maintain healthy human life.

They were on my ingredient list for this recipe: Peanut Butter Cacao Nib Fudge, so I finally ordered some in.  I wondered what was so special about hemp seeds nutritionally, so I dug a little deeper.  I found out that they are great for heart health in lowering blood pressure.  They reduce cravings for foods with stimulants, sugars, starches and fats.  Hemp seeds increase energy, improve cholesterol profiles and are another natural way to control blood sugar. 

Hemp seeds are also known to reduce inflammation and improve circulation, 2 factors important in preventing any disease.  They contain a balance of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids, which is important in keeping inflammation down in your body.  If you're interested in learning more about an Anti-Inflammatory Diet and balancing these ratios, check out this great post on The Conscious Life.  

If you clicked through on the link above to the recipe, you saw how easily these were used as a crust for the no-bake pb fudge recipe.  Just sprinkle them in the bottom of the pan and if you are an adventurous "kitchen scientist" like me, your gears will start turning on all of the other ways you could use these as a crust or sprinkle them on top of dishes or salads.  

Here are a few more:

    Note:  Click on my side bar where I list resources for the products I love.  I get my hemp seeds from Vitacost and when you click on my link to order them, you'll receive $10 off your first order.  I'll receive a discount for referring you!

    Are you already using Hemp Seeds?  Share in a comment below your favorite or most creative ways of incorporating this super food into your diet!

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