Saturday, July 16, 2011

Feeling a bit Inspired…


Greetings from Nebraska

This week, I participated in Unite NE, an event that brought together 80 of Nebraska’s finest minds ages 20-44 into one room for about 48 hours and it was quite an experience.  Of course, I am sincerely humbled and honored to have been a part of it.  I left there completely energized and inspired!  We had all taken a survey prior to the conference regarding challenges, unique points and suggestions for the state’s future.  This gave us some working points on what we wanted to take from the conference and work on. 

We were fortunate enough to have Joe Gerstadt as our facilitator.  (Click on his name and watch his video, to get a little taste.)   Joe took us through a process called Decision Accelerator.  Any other geeks out there ever participate in Future Problem Solvers in Middle School and Junior High?  It felt reminiscent of that, an adult version if you will.  It was uncomfortable, some people even got angry, some might have even fallen love! (No, not really, but became friends at the very least.)  It was amazing to be part of a dialogue about issues that most people I know aren’t talking about.  And they certainly aren’t talking about making things happen or don’t know how they can.  I’m excited to continue my writing journey with a whole new portfolio of projects that I’ll be working on. 

And I’m excited to be working with these new partners on something I feel like I am really “doing something” not just floating around doing philanthropy and enjoying it.  I mean really doing something positive and making an impact for the future of this great state where I live.

I’m proud that we are agriculture, the Cornhuskers and the home to Omaha Steaks, ConAgra, and the Omaha Oracle.  But, I doubt many of you have been offered the opportunity to be wowed by Nebraska.  I intend to fix that by shining a spotlight right on it and blowing your mind.  That’s right.  So, follow along to spite me if you will.

The little girl who never stopped asking, “Why?!” (ahem, Me) still asks it.  I’m glad that in spite of many of my life’s hurdles and barriers, I have not lost that luster through it all.  I’m able to enjoy the beautiful flow of life (a very learned skill) and all that it throws my way, so when opportunities like these occur, I can embrace them and run with them.

Stemming from this week’s experience, I thought about all the work that I do.  Paid and unpaid.  What I choose to get involved with and why.  It comes down to passion and a feeling that I am being called to do something. 

If I am passionate about something, it’s exciting and enjoyable even if it’s hard and frustrating.  It is still fun to me.  Even if someone else looks at it and voices to me how much it must suck, how much I’m going to fail, how much they don’t see it ever working in my wildest dreams, it doesn’t take away my joy and zest.  (Besides, you can’t let joy stealers have that kind of power, they are negative for their own reasons.) 

Passion is the fuel that drives inspiration and energy.  And I consider why I haven’t allowed myself to gravitate towards more work that embraces that philosophy.

I’m learning to not believe in coincidences much anymore in my ripe, old 30’s, but love that this was the first quote I ran into today:

“If you’re not enjoying the journey, you probably won’t enjoy the destination.” ~Joe Tye

More from rural Nebraska later.  My kitchen missed me and I must go stoke my grass-fed beef spare ribs that are slow-roasting as I write.  I think they need a slathering of my new BBQ sauce.

In the meantime, please share what inspires you!

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