Hi, I'm Sandra and I'm a mom of two babes (5 & 8 years). I am a marketing and social media professional in the organic foods industry, a writer, social media junkie, and a student at Integrative Nutrition.
I'm also a Nebraska girl and I have a great appreciation and admiration for the way of life we have here in rural Nebraska. My own family has been here in the same area for over 100 years. I moved back to my hometown area in northeast Nebraska from Omaha over 3 years ago. I have enjoyed raising my kids in my old stomping grounds. And re-learning how important some of the traditions and connectedness of a small community are to me.
I'm passionate about authentic living. I believe traditional foods, along with proper self and spiritual care are instrumental in healing, as they have been so transformative in my own and my children's health. Read more about my personal natural health journey.
Recently, I've started nutrition school so that I can support clients in connecting to ways to heal their bodies, minds, hearts and lives with what is already available naturally. I believe slowing down and listening to ourselves to find out what we need is a key remedy. My programs will be designed for working with people, particularly mom's, who are our most precious resource in primarily bringing up our future generations, and supporting their health needs. A mother usually puts everyone else's needs before her own, and she is often the back bone of the family.
If you feel over-burdened, over-stressed and don't know where to begin with bridging the gap with your lifestyle and how you feel, I can help if you want to live better. If you are interested in a free one-hour health assesment, contact me at sandra (at) theprairiehealer (dot) com or click below:
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