Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Got Wheels: A Lesson in Manifestation. Are you listening to the answers to your own prayers?

Photo Credit: Stock.Xchng
I cannot seem to wrap my mind around my series posts this week.  I am working through some things that keep coming up in my area of Primary Foods.  So, I feel I should honor that.

I feel as though I haven't always paid attention to subtle messages sent my way in the past.  Messages I have been waiting to hear, prayers I were hoping to get an answer to.  I have come to the conclusion that I have received these in the past (and most people do), but I was not paying attention or brushed them aside.  And it's when I've agreed to live more authentically and build up my spiritual side, that I've seen the most potential and positive growth.

So, I may come across as a little earthy, but I am a rocker at heart.  I love music. Period. Whenever I am wanting to decompress or need something to either accompany or alleviate my mood, I turn to music. I have years of classical voice training and piano lessons, and theater experience, so I might just bust out in show tunes or a song from a previous role or I may belt out something stuck in my head.  During my work day, I'll generally have some music on and while I love all types of music, I really like to rock out.  This is a girl who, front row center up against the gate, got Rob Zombie's spit on her forehead.  YEAH!

It was cool, trust me.

But, now that I'm a mom, I tend to not be as hard core.  I still love all my old favorite rockers, though, and always enjoy the acoustic versions.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Normal People Steps to Better Health - Week 3 Get Moving!

Let's do a quick recap in my effort to introduce some simple steps for "normal" people.  Not health gurus, not fitness freaks, just regular people like you and me.  

Week 2: Primary Foods

And this week, I want to mention movement.  

What role does exercise play in your life?  Just honestly ask yourself this question.  

Nut Job: Using Chia Seed and How It Finally Spoke to Me

Recipe & Photo Credit Yummy Mummy Kitchen
I had previously written about Hemp Seeds and their amazing super food properties!  I was blown away when I discovered that little tidbit of knowledge.

But, Chia Seeds?  I've had a bag of these in my fridge for nearly a year.

From the list of some of the health benefits these seeds hail, I should be equally excited about them! Double the antioxidants as blueberries? 100% more EFA than Salmon?!  "Aztec Running Food?" Holy Cow!  

I've used them, put them in smoothies, put them over salads...meh.

It wasn't until I saw this recipe photo for Cinnamon-Vanilla Chia Pudding from An Edible Mosaic, did it speak to me!

Cinnamon-Vanilla Chia Seed Pudding!  Recipe & Photo Credit: An Edible Mosaic
It's genius and what I was struggling with in using Chia.  Mixed with any liquid, it takes on a gel-like consistency.  Used in larger amounts and let to soak overnight, it becomes a pudding, almost like tapioca. 

This also helped fill a gap with having something healthy and easy for breakfast as I tend to skip breakfast altogether if I don't. In fact, I have one ready to go right now!

If you have some other great uses for Chia, please share them in a comment below.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oil Essentials: Why Lavender Essential Oil is my Favorite

In my quest to help people find practical ways to use natural remedies, I never imagined I'd be taken to task so quickly on it!

About 2 weeks ago, I began to experience some leg pain going up into my back across my kidneys. I wasn't sure what it was about. I hadn't done anything to tweak my back, or so I thought, but you know how things like that happen! Suddenly, my ankle began to blow up as well.

"Could it be the all of these bug bites I acquired the weekend before walking out near in a grassy area?" I had asked my mom.

"Definitely," she said.  THAT had not really occurred to me.

I was still unsure of the reason for the back pain. I could not really find a definitive source for answering my questions about a possible infection from a bug bite. So, while I waited it out, I took some Benadryl out of desperation because I didn't really know what else to do. But, it did nothing and only made me tired.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Non-Toxic Home: Nordic Naturals Healthy Child Healthy World Back-to-School Promotion

So, I've written about my natural health journey, what we do about that in our kitchen and in my overall philosophy.  But, this also has also carried through in what personal care products and household products we use.

What's one of the first places we secure when we have a child who becomes mobile?  

Under the kitchen sink, right?   

Or at least in many homes I know of, under the kitchen or bathroom sink is where cleaning or other toxic items are stored.  I've always struggled with finding ones that work the way I want them to and don't completely gas me out.  I remember being paranoid when I was pregnant about the fumes on more than one occasion. Kind of scary, especially when you think of how sensitive children must be to the fumes.  Why should they be expected to build up a tolerance to things that can irritate their lungs or affect their behavior or make them ill?

One way I've eliminated toxins from our home is removing most of these of types of products altogether.  Just today I did a mixture of water and vinegar for hand scrubbing my small kitchen linoleum floor.  {Note: When I say "mixture," I mean throwing some white distilled vinegar on the floor and using a very wet rag.}  It looks and smells so fresh in my kitchen.  I'm not giving up anything by using non-toxic products in my home and I only give up fresh, safe air when I do use toxic products.  If I do purchase a cleaning product, I read the label very carefully.  But, I'm very careful to provide a safe environment in my home for my children.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary, Healthy Child Healthy World began in 1992 after five-year-old Colette Chuda died of a rare form of non-hereditary cancer linked to environmental factors. Playing a leadership role in one of the most important public health and environmental movements of the 21st century, Healthy Child Healthy World today ignites the movement that empowers parents to protect children from harmful chemicals.

Healthy Child Healthy World is a great resource for parents to learn more, plus it is a way to have your voice heard. Please check them out at  

So, how can you help?  

From August 1st through October 31st, Nordic Naturals will donate a portion of proceeds from selected Nordic Naturals children’s products to Healthy Child Healthy World during its Back-to-School promotion! 

One dollar of every bottle sold of the following products will be donated to Healthy Child Healthy World:
  • Nordic Berries™ chewy, sweet-and-sour multivitamins provide 100% of the daily value of the most essential nutrients
  • Nordic Omega-3 Gummies™easy-to-chew, omega-3 tangerine treats for ages 2+
  • Children’s DHA™chewable, strawberry-flavored omega-3s support brain and visual function for ages 3+
  • Baby’s DHAomega-3s for babies 5-35 lbs. with a measured dropper for easy addition to formula or food

"Like" them on Facebook or follow on Twitter at @NordicNaturals.

Get your children ready for school and learning this fall with the nutrition they may need and also contribute to a wonderful cause by choosing where to spend your dollars!

It's THAT Simple!

Normal People Steps to Better Health: Week 2

Hey there, if you missed last week's post, there is still time to catch up!

Focusing on one little area at a time tends to be much less overwhelming and even if you think you're focused, it's always a good reminder to get back on track or make tweaks to where you can do better.

This week, I'd like to focus on something called primary foods.  Makes sense, we're talking about health, right?

But, primary food might not be what you think.  Take a look below.  We are used to seeing the food pyramid when talking about our diets and our health, but you might see some new aspects added to this diagram.  Through my studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I am thrilled to learn their unique philosophy about health resonates so closely with my own. 

  Primary Food image credit: Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

This is exactly what I am talking about when I discuss living a Holistic Life.  Everything we consider nutrition today, is really just a secondary source of energy.

I'm suggesting you look at your primary foods.  I like to think this is what really nourishes us.  How is your spirituality?  Would you like it to be better?  Are you ok there?  Career?  Physical Activity? Relationship(s)?

Ideally, you would have this nice round circle.  But, perhaps your circle is a little misshapen.  Take a look at these areas and see how it might be affecting your life.  Do you get so wrapped up at work, you're not taking time for physical activity?, for example. 

I also suggest the heading "relationship" addresses not only how well we interact with others, but also how we care for ourselves.  Are you getting enough rest?  Are you taking time to do things you enjoy?  Or is your day to day life just rush, rush, rush, go, go, go?  As a single mom working full-time, in school part-time and doing everything else in between, I can certainly relate to how that can be the norm.

And so this week, for week 2 in our series on simple steps for normal people, I'd like to suggest that you get out of the kitchen for a bit.  This can be sort of a revelation if you've never looked at it this way before.  Our society doesn't necessarily encourage it, but I found myself on a retreat where I was craving bringing more of that peace into my day to day life.  Make a note of what you'd like to work most on in bringing your circle into balance.  And know, if even you only give yourself 5 minutes to do something like this, it's more than what you've done before.

Be good to yourself!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oil Essentials: Healing Oils of The Bible

Oil Essentials: Learn more about the healing properties of essential oils, practical everyday uses and how they've been used since biblical times to heal in this series new to The Prairie Healer this month!

I've always been interested in essential oils and, of course, like many of you, my first oil that I was introduced to was Lavender.  I have always felt drawn to its scent and calming properties during stressful times in my life.  It was only until years later that I learned that you are usually attracted to what you need.

I've been reading this book off and on over the past couple of months.  It is very well researched and a very good read.  I've just been saving it for my early mornings that I have set aside specifically for reading this book.
Book - Healing Oils of the Bible by Dr. David Stewart

I intend to finish it, but if you are a believer in the healing power of essential oils, like I am, or interested in learning more, you'll be doubly so after reading how essential oils have been used since biblical times to heal and cure disease.  It is really well-researched and documented in showing instances where different oils were cited throughout the bible and how they were referred to.  I highly recommend it as a place to start.

Next week: A closer look at lavender essential oil and how it helped me when an insect bite spiraled out of control.  Truly one of the most interesting experiences of my life!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Nut Job: Using Hemp Seeds & Why They are Good for You!

Nut Job is a short 7 week segment here on The Prairie Healer where I am featuring my favorite nuts and seeds.  I'll briefly discuss why these are super foods powerhouses, how to use them & their benefits. 

Until recently, I have never really used hemp seeds for anything, though I was aware of their use in making milk for those allergic to just about anything.  There is no known allergy to hemp seeds, which is helpful to those allergic or sensitive to gluten, lactose, sugar, fish, nuts or meats.  They are nutty, but not overpowering, more like a sunflower seed in that way.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Normal People Steps to Better Health: Week 1

I'm in my third week of Nutrition School.  I am really enjoying the material and it is interesting to hear people with stories like mine.  I feel I have learned so much already and have so much I have yet to learn.  So, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be in this program.

I am not a foodie, a health nut, a gym rat or an activist.  I am just a normal, Nebraska mom who wants my family to be healthy. But, after what I went through, I feel I can never be normal again.

I still don't have a complete hold on it. But, I do know that the changes that we have made, have made my family healthier. We are sick less - WAY less.  I know there is something to getting off the system and cycle of conventional foods and medicine.

I know first hand it can be overwhelming to think about where to start.  My instinct, once I make a decision, is to make broad sweeping changes.  But the world I live in doesn't always support that since I live in a small town in a rural area of Nebraska.

I got to a point every time I went into a local grocery store that I would panic after reading several labels. I would get upset that there was nothing there I could buy to feed my family and then mourn that I was making life more difficult for myself.  It was frustrating. And when this happens to normal people, they tend to lose steam or feel there are too many road blocks.  They give up even though they do want to make good decisions on eating healthier.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Normal People, Oil Essentials & Nut Jobs!

I'm so excited! I have been wanting to sit down & get some planning and organizing done. I'm pleased to say I've finally rounded the corner on that.

[Now to address the cryptically vague title...]

And I'm also pleased to announce that starting this month, I'm going to be featuring 3 new series here on The Prairie Healer:

•Normal People Steps To Better Health•

Practical advice for today's hectic pace. Weekly, free, no-nonsense tips on taking simple steps to a healthier lifestyle.

•Oil Essentials•

Learn more about the healing properties of essential oils, practical everyday uses and how they've been used since biblical times to heal.

•Nut Job•

This series will be a shorter 7 week segment on my favorite nuts and seeds. I'll discuss why these are super foods powerhouses, how to use them & their benefits.