Thursday, August 9, 2012

Normal People Steps to Better Health: Week 2

Hey there, if you missed last week's post, there is still time to catch up!

Focusing on one little area at a time tends to be much less overwhelming and even if you think you're focused, it's always a good reminder to get back on track or make tweaks to where you can do better.

This week, I'd like to focus on something called primary foods.  Makes sense, we're talking about health, right?

But, primary food might not be what you think.  Take a look below.  We are used to seeing the food pyramid when talking about our diets and our health, but you might see some new aspects added to this diagram.  Through my studies at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I am thrilled to learn their unique philosophy about health resonates so closely with my own. 

  Primary Food image credit: Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

This is exactly what I am talking about when I discuss living a Holistic Life.  Everything we consider nutrition today, is really just a secondary source of energy.

I'm suggesting you look at your primary foods.  I like to think this is what really nourishes us.  How is your spirituality?  Would you like it to be better?  Are you ok there?  Career?  Physical Activity? Relationship(s)?

Ideally, you would have this nice round circle.  But, perhaps your circle is a little misshapen.  Take a look at these areas and see how it might be affecting your life.  Do you get so wrapped up at work, you're not taking time for physical activity?, for example. 

I also suggest the heading "relationship" addresses not only how well we interact with others, but also how we care for ourselves.  Are you getting enough rest?  Are you taking time to do things you enjoy?  Or is your day to day life just rush, rush, rush, go, go, go?  As a single mom working full-time, in school part-time and doing everything else in between, I can certainly relate to how that can be the norm.

And so this week, for week 2 in our series on simple steps for normal people, I'd like to suggest that you get out of the kitchen for a bit.  This can be sort of a revelation if you've never looked at it this way before.  Our society doesn't necessarily encourage it, but I found myself on a retreat where I was craving bringing more of that peace into my day to day life.  Make a note of what you'd like to work most on in bringing your circle into balance.  And know, if even you only give yourself 5 minutes to do something like this, it's more than what you've done before.

Be good to yourself!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I like seeing water at the base of the diagram. I don't focus on that enough and it is the foundation for wellness!