Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Traditional Foods: Beef Bone Broth

I became interested in making a Beef Bone Broth after I tackled making a nourishing chicken stock a couple of times.  After pondering it a bit and looking through recipe sites, an article appeared in my inbox from Traditional Foods: Easy, Fuss-Free.  Amanda Rose, the author of Rebuild from Depression, posted a video series called “12 Days Of Gelatin-Rich Broth.”  Seeing the nutritious gelatin coming from her pot sent me off to purchase about 2 1/2 lbs of Beef Soup Bones. If you do not have a local source for grass-fed beef bones, you can also purchase them for direct delivery from Grass-fed Traditions. In addition to the rich nutrients and minerals derived from the bones, gelatin may be a remedy to a host of digestive and malnutrition-related conditions.  (She raves about using Bison bones, too!  She says THESE BONES are some of the best!)

I drizzled a bit of unrefined coconut oil on the bottom of the pan to coat and settled my bones in the bottom.  I then drizzled a bit more oil over the top of the bones, used some salt and pepper, turmeric, sliced garlic clove and basil.  I added some carrots in the fridge that needed to be used up and a bit of celery, reserving the celery tops for the crock pot.

I covered the pan with foil and roasted on 450 F for about 30 minutes.  After removing from the oven, the roasted bones, veggies and sliced up celery tops went into a crockpot on low heat.  Add just enough water to cover the bones, 2 T of Apple Cider Vinegar or Raw Coconut Water Vinegar (draws minerals out of bones) and cook on low for about 24 hours.

Then I removed the bones, veggies and any meat that cooked off the bones and pour the liquid through a strainer.

While the remainder of the liquid was straining, I put the bones, veggies and meat back into the crock pot.  Covered with water and added 2 T of vinegar again to start the 2nd batch.  I also added what was left in the strainer.  In 24 hours, I will have my 2nd batch.  In the meantime, my 1st batch is cooling (or you can use it right away!) to go into a small container or freezer bag.

I’m sharing this on Cooking Traditional Foods: Traditional Tuesdays, Real Food Wednesdays., and Simple Lives Thursday.

Note: if you click on any of my ingredient links above and make your first-time purchase, you'll automatically receive a FREE copy of the Virgin Coconut Oil Book and I will receive a voucher!

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