Sunday, March 18, 2012

Red Curry Shrimp

This dish was amazing!

I was fighting a craving for a new, nearby (ok, 30 miles) Thai place and visiting this particular day was not going to be feasible.  So, I began thinking about this dish and whether or not I could create the magic in my own kitchen instead. 

I just love that little geeky feeling of satisfaction when something turns out!  Even more so, when the kids (5 and 7 1/2) are unexpectedly appreciative.  

So, please bear with my approximate kitchen science calculations, rather than an exact recipe and just know you should adjust ALL of this to taste!

Red Curry Shrimp

1-2 lbs frozen shrimp
1-2 tsp garlic paste
1 T freeze dried red onion
1-2 T (real) butter

Saute the shrimp in the butter, garlic paste and onion until they are thawed and pink. I used a larger stove top wok that is my go-to.

Stir In:

1 tsp red curry powder
3/4 -1 c coconut flakes
3/4 c milk (I used grass-fed raw)
1 tsp dried basil
1 T virgin coconut oil

Simmer until dried coconut is tender and the sauce is thick. (about 15-20 minutes)

Serve over rice of your choice.  We chose a blend of white, brown, red and black.

The leftovers are even better!

Also shared on Fresh Bites Friday and Allergy-Free Lunchbox 

Note: if you click on any of my ingredient links above and order them, you will automatically receive a free book and I will receive a reward!

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