Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sweet or Savory? Finding healthy alternatives for those things we crave!

What kind of snack do you typically go for? Do you reach for a bag of chips or heaping bowl of ice cream with toppings or nuts? Have you ever considered finding creative alternatives that would satisfy those cravings that you might not have considered before? For example, what would get to the root of ice cream with nuts and chocolate syrup? Is there some sort of “healthy” alternative that would satisfy that decadent craving? (By the way, if you hadn’t noticed, my choice would be the ice cream!)

I am a snacker. More affectionately called a “Snack-Ass” by a former co-worker but the definition fit and stuck with me! I could graze off of an appetizer buffet all day every day. I love cheese and crackers, chips and dips, a handful of this, a bite of that. My most recent favorite discovery is what I like to call the “taste explosion.” (You know, Ratatouille!) You know just that right moment where your taste buds find something new and go, “Yes! Yes! Yes!” For me, this is berries, nuts and cheese together or a spicy jam over cream cheese with crackers, baby dills and smoked turkey cuts. A good red wine with herb crusted cheese and truffle oil. Just the right creative combinations of yum.


I was pondering the sweet or savory for this blog post. My instinctual desire is to go for dark chocolate bars, ice cream, cheese dips, chocolate chip cookies and the like. Any type of appetizer, I’m on it. All combinations of that savory taste.

Recently, good old fashioned popcorn has become my standby when I know my brain is simply not going to listen to reason. I mean, honestly, there is no way that veggies and a bit of ranch is ever going to replace my craving for a sizable slab of cheese cake. But, a freshly popped bag of microwave popcorn, sprinkled with caramel popcorn seasoning and a little salt will change those cravings around to where I will forget about it and save a trip to the store. (I’m at least smart enough to not have it around.) And for convenience snacking, Orville Redenbacher’s has a great sweet & savory line of microwave popcorn to meet those cravings as well, like Kettle Corn, Cheddar Cheese and even Spicy Nacho! These are great to keep in the cupboard or in a desk drawer to act quickly on a craving!

I did begin to experiment with my “confusing the taste buds” theory after reading an article that stated most of our cravings actually come from a mineral deficiency which can easily be remedied by using a full-spectrum salt like Pink Himalayan Salt, providing you with more of the essential minerals your body needs. While I haven’t begun using a full-spectrum salt yet, it did make me take pause when I do have cravings to see if I can get to the root of it. I’m at a point where I don’t want the “hangover” associated with eating the “bad” foods, which almost always contain gluten and start a raging fire throughout my inner body. Maybe I’m lucky to have that built in sensor, but thankful to have been able to teach myself to pay attention to it.

With eating healthier comes more veggies and I love salads, but I hate preparing them at home for some reason. I could order a salad every time I go out to eat (and usually do). However, at home, I don’t eat veggies in large quantities or fruit (almost seldom). Unless I am stuffing it all into a blender for my signature smoothie, I am not eating them or going for them. Note: And by “signature,” I mean almost everyone I know turns their nose up at it the minute they see it! But, it is chock full of vital nutrients that I know that I need. Click on the picture below for my recipe:

Get Your Greens Smoothie

I also started exploring peanut butter as a base to sauces or dressings. Another filling protein to add to the mix, and with peanut butter flavors like a Thai Ginger & Pepper and Chipotle Chile, it really adds some extra flavor that is not something I would have normally considered!


It has taken me nearly two years of experimentation, reading, research, trial and error to figure out what works for me. Which, leads me to my last point – do what works for you. You can read this and not identify at all, grab some “nuggets” to throw into your own life or say, “Yes, this is just like me.” Whatever, you do when it comes to snacking, it has to work for you and it has to flow into your life. Just the fact that you are thinking about making healthier choices, deserves a pat on the back. Every little bit helps get you closer to your long-term goals. Lasting change takes time, so baby steps in making changes are easy solutions.

This post is sponsored by Orville Redenbacher’s and I’m writing this to be entered into a giveaway hosted by Mamavation and sponsored by Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet Popping Corn.



Andrea Kruse said...

Interesting flavor combinations. The Thai curry and peanut butter is standard in Thai cooking. Have you tried almond butter? If you are trying to get more bang for your snacking buck that is a great way to go. I was turned onto it from the Cinch Diet which really pushes almonds in the diet.

Cheese is also a weakness of mine, but the calories can be so high and the fat isn't always worth it for me and my lactose intolerant tummy. :( Happy snacking!

Anonymous said...

Great tips for healthy snacking ideas.

Homemom3 said...

Sounds like a very interesting experiment. I'm slowly placing blended up almonds in my meals whether it is salads or smoothies just to make sure I add the protein. I too make smoothies but haven't been that experimental. I did try cutting almost all my no nos cold turkey and so far that's been working but I feel there will come a time it may dip and I need to start looking for that other snack that'll cure the moment in need. By the way I'm just like you on the both types of snacker, I love my sugars but I also love my salty snacks too.

MNMSpecial said...

Love the smoothie idea, can't wait to get my blender out of storage! I can be a grazer if I am allowed. I love cheese. I am going to have to pay more attention to the mineral deficiency thing, glad you mentioned it.
Good luck and I really hope we can meet up when I move closer!

MrsFatass said...

Like you, when I am asked "sweet or savory" my answer is YES. Or, as my husband would say, I have a sweet tooth and a meat tooth.

Great post. Now I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

@Owen's Mom - I have not tried almond butter, but I have been wanting to. Must add that to my list of things to buy when I head into civilization. :)

@MNMSpecial Looking forward to it!

@MrsFattass I love that "sweet tooth and a meat tooth!" :)

Thanks all for your comments!

Anonymous said...

@Homemom3 I <3 almonds, too!! I buy the large bag of sliced oven roasted almonds at Trader Joe's.

@Jenn Thanks!!

Lena B said...

Wow!. Some combinations I never thought off. I love what u do. XO and have a great week

Unknown said...

Interesting...I'm going to have to look into taste bud confusion...

My mamavation is here:

Stephen and Amanda O'Dair blog said...

yummy post! I love almond butter so I would say yes you need to try it!!!!!

Shelley said...

I just ate lunch and am now hungry again! I love "crazy" combinations and before Mamavation and trying to turn my life around, I would love a bag of potato chips with a bag of mnm's eaten together ... crazy I know! Can't wait to try your smoothie recipe! Good luck with the campaign! no matter how things turn up, Know that I am here to support you!

Janice @ Mom On The Run said...

I LOVE Raw Crunch Bars - think organic nuts & honey with organic chocolate!, POPChips, Carrots & home made hummus, celery and organic peanut butter, etc.