Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Gluten Free Bio-35 Review and Free Sample

About a month ago, I saw a little ad pop up on the right-hand side of my Facebook page for Gluten Free Bio-35, a vitamin supplement from Pro-Biotiks.  They were offering a free sample. I have recently discovered that the ongoing heartburn and stomach trouble I’ve had for many years is a gluten sensitivity, so it piqued my interest knowing that supplements or vitamins in pill form often wreak havoc on me.  I was also interested to see that they contained Omega Oils, Trace Minerals from the Great Salt Lake and was formulated for Stress and they talked about “Energy Leak.”
According to their site, “It takes years for the cumulative effects of physical, emotional and chemical stress to take their toll on the body.” 

Bio-35™ and Stress

"Stress ... the cause of all degenerative diseases."
~ Stress of Life, Hans Selye, M.D.

“During routine stresses of day to day living, the body borrows nutrients from your cell’s membrane to form various regulatory hormones called prostaglandins. Also, the omega fatty acids in the cells are also used to produce other hormones needed by the body. When the body is under higher levels of physical and emotional stress, the body "borrows" even larger amounts of nutrients to manufacture the necessary hormones and prostaglandins to handle the "crisis." If the nutrients used during day to day stress or high stress moments are not properly replaced with nutrients from the food we eat, new cell production and function is slowed down.
Thus, we have cells dying or wearing out faster than new ones can be repaired or formed. We have developed what we call an “Energy Leak.” You slow down, feel tired all the time and experience fatigue, depression and over time you can develop degenerative diseases without knowing why. According to Dr. Selye, “ stress - is the cause of all degenerative diseases including high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease ... and vital loss of energy.”
Today many people are not able to or they choose not to eat a balanced diet of "wholesome" foods. As a result, the average American's diet is high in processed foods and many of the essential nutrients are taken out or changed due to the refining, processing (e.g., Hydrogenation, Oxidation) and filtering of those basic foods we eat.
Also certain individuals have genetic predispositions to certain diseases or chronic health conditions which put added "Stress" on the utilization of essential nutrients in the body, or that cause poor absorption of certain nutrients. Thus, even though they may eat a well balanced diet, using wholesome foods, their bodies need more of specific nutrients than the foods provide. Again, resulting in an "Energy Leak."
Added to our bodies daily stress is air pollution which causes Free radicals within our bodies. Free radicals are extremely active, uncontrolled positive or negative charged particles which cause physical damage to cell, enzymes and DNA linkage. They also oxidize essential fatty acids, sterols and phospholipids critical to cell repair and reproduction, creating even more free radicals in the form of peroxides - a domino effect. This rapid oxidation (deterioration) of the cell wall's nutrients is one of the chief causes of aging and stress, because cells die faster than new ones can be formed.”
My Thoughts:
I like this holistic approach to addressing genetic dispositions as well as individual body chemistry make-up, physical and emotional stress.  It’s been my experience that what might work for one individual may or may not work for others because each of us has a unique chemical make-up.  I believe in the value of continued Omega 3 Fatty Acids in my diet and anything I can do to optimize my intake, is bonus.  I also like that this supplement is also Soy Free to keep any unnecessary soy out of my body.
As you can see from the picture above, Pro-Biotiks sent me a full-sized 45 capsule bottle of Bio-35!  More than enough to make a valid assessment of their product! 
As for the results, I will have to give more time to adjust and their website also addresses that you may not feel the optimal effects until after 30 days or so, which is standard with anything new you introduce into your diet.  I do know they absolutely do not bother my digestive system, which is absolutely AWESOME!  I have more energy when I take them throughout the day, they recommend taking one capsule three times per day for two to three months. Their site also mentions, “Depending on age, severity of condition, attitude and exercise, the length of time for Bio-35™ to reach maximum effectiveness may take from a few weeks to several months.* A common mistake is not taking enough Bio-35™ during the first few months.”
More Info, Social Media and Free Sample:
If you would like more information about this product please visit their website here: Bio-35
You can also “Like” them on Facebook and read what people are saying!  Click on the “Free Sample” tab and get your own free sample and enter a contest to win some, too!

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