Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Go-To Tricks: When You Need a Confidence Boost!

This week I let go a bit.  I have felt so much pressure to step on that scale each week, which is not like me.  I remembered back to when I first lost 43 lbs on my own, with no support at all and I rarely stepped on the scale.  And that just feels right to me, because after doing it each week for 8 weeks, I see how much I really fluctuate and it gets me DOWN!  There was one measurement check where I literally lost 8 inches off my waist in 2 weeks!  Whoa…

So, this down and out feeling gets to my core sometimes.  I get so down on myself for not being more successful, for struggling.  And even though I know we ALL do struggle with things in our lives, the self-inflicted negativity does tend to undermine one’s self-confidence.
I got to thinking about some quick go-to activities that are confidence boosters.  Those little things that help give you a breather, a quick boost or help put things back into perspective, so life doesn’t wear you down.  Here’s my list:

Put on mascara – Sometimes, it’s just about not looking like you just woke up!

Write – A quick line, a quick idea, or my emotions at that moment. Whatever it is has the potential to take off and spawn another idea.  At the very least, it gives me a way to let something out and get it off my mind if need be so that I can focus without feeling stressed.

Workout – Exercise has become an important part of my life.  I now know that to feel my optimal best, I need to exercise in some form daily.  If not, I feel sluggish, tend toward depression and it’s a great release of “extra energy” that is constructive.

Eat healthy – Makes me feel good that I am on the right track toward my health goals and not treating my body like a trash can. (Thanks @miacupcake!)

Spend time with my kids – Just by getting on the floor and giving in to them wanting as much time as possible with me at this age.  I feel proud of them and proud of myself whenever we are together focusing on one another. 

Go to the spa – get a hair cut, massage or pedi – This is a larger scale of putting on mascara.  “You’ve worked hard (had a rough day/week) and you deserve a treat,” is usually the self-talk I hear.  And the relaxation time for myself does wonders.  If I can’t afford to go to a spa, I usually try to set up a standing appointment for at least a massage once a month.  Or I can make my own body scrubs and do something nice for myself.

For me, I've found that it's not about the physical self, it's the emotional self that needs recharged to get my confidence up there.  The clarity and perspective changers I get from those times of recharge, helps me think rationally instead of all of the negative self-talk that rolls around in my head at times.

What are your "go-to" tricks when you need a confidence boost?

I wrote this post in participation of Mamavation Mondays!

1 comment:

MNMSpecial said...

I agree scale watching really has that up & down effect (haha). Its hard to lose the weight when you aren't feeling it.

Mascara is a big one for me too. Love your ideas here. Do what is right for you and your body, mind & emotions. Good Luck with goals this week.