Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses

Well, I won't be giving any excuses here today.  But, I did want to get a post up because I have been thinking and thinking so hard about what I want to do here.

I am regrouping.

After several changes in circumstance, I am re-evaluating a lot of different aspects of this blog as well as my life.

I have gotten such a variety of feedback that the recipes are loved, the personal stories are loved and that the Nebraska Life stories are loved.

Personally, I love what I have been doing.  And then the flip side of me dislikes it.

If you have a strong opinion on this, please share with me in the comments.  Tell me what you'd like to see more of or see new!

I need to write.  But, I also need to find some peace and balance.

Thanks for bearing with me and not abandoning me.

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