Monday, July 25, 2011

Nutrition Lessons Learned from Kids


Most of the time I think I am the all-knowing nutrition guru in this household, but here are a few lessons to be learned from my kids:

1.) “Can I be full?” 

I’m not sure as adults, we always are good about asking ourselves.  This, of course, is my 4 year old’s way of asking to be excused, but I noticed if I ask myself this, even if I haven’t had much to eat, the answer is usually yes.  I’m not into the uncomfortable gorging thing.  Things can be re-heated, shared or taken home, and most certainly almost never go to waste!

2.) I will always say no to veggies, feed them to me anyway.

I am probably an oddity, but put a plate of veggies in front of me and I will most likely choose them over anything else.  But, what I have learned from my kids is that they will almost always say no when asked.  But, when served and put in front of them, they will happily eat them.  All of the marketing and fun things they see with regard to other foods are simply that, so when they say no, I imagine they are thinking veggies are pretty boring.

3.) Self-regulation/Listen to your body

Both of my kids will self-regulate.  They’ll slow themselves down on dairy, grains or sugary drinks or snacks.  I ask them to listen to their body when it comes to other functions and they apply it here.  If I’ve got heartburn or a queasy tummy, I listen to my body and back away from things that I don’t need more of.

4.) Food should be fun

Things that are fun to eat or unusual new experiences are fun.  Working on something and pulling it out of the oven or having it turn out just perfect, makes it taste that much better for grown ups and kids alike.  Not only does it make for more fun when they are helping in the kitchen, but finding different ways to eat things or fun tools to use, new combinations and trying new things in general, makes it fun.  I still like to eat about anything with chopsticks and it makes it that much more fun!  We shouldn’t overly obsess, though, we just need to nourish our bodies and that is it.

Please share what you’ve learned from your child/ren!

I wrote and shared this post on Mamavation Mondays!


MrsFatass said...

LOVE this! I do! I am NOT making my kids members of the clean plate club, and we try all kinds of crazy foods together. big thing is that if they grow it, they'll eat it. So we have quite the garden that we work on together!

Have a great week!

Katie said...

I love this post! You've learned some great lessons from your kiddos and I just bet they're learning great lessons from you too.