Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm NOT writing a New Year Post 2012

I was not planning on writing a New Year post.

I’ve actually been hemming and hawing about how to start the New Year on this blog.  I have always been a writer by nature and at heart.  If anything is going on in my life, I must write.  I may not always write about the nitty gritty (a girl needs her privacy, too), but at least write as a cathartic way to get my creative juices going in a positive direction.

So, if I wasn’t going to write this, why did I?

As it happened, I was outside this morning thinking about 2012. Enjoying the crisp January air, still an unseasonably warm 30 degrees here in Nebraska and still no snow on the ground.  The sun is out and shining. 

I was thinking about a couple of topics in particular with regard to the New Year, when suddenly, for no apparent reason, I completely fell on my face! On my front porch. On cement. Right outside my front door. In broad daylight.

  This girl has nothing on me, I had no steps to trip me up and my face was firmly planted.

Aside from a dark bruise and some scrapes on my knee, which presumably broke my fall, I am fine.  

Now, if that isn’t a message trying to get to me, I don’t know what is!  Disorienting, yes, but once I got up, brushed off and determined that somehow I didn’t damage by glasses or face, it was definitely a message for me.

I think I know where I am supposed to go with it specifically in my own situations.

But, I think there is also a larger message here for 2012, that I wanted to share with you. 

I could have been so upset about it this morning, got all riled up, pissed off, hating being injured or potentially destroying something I couldn’t afford to repair.  “Why can’t anything go right for me?!”  That whole spiral of emotion.  Afterall, my neck is stiff and I’m a little sore.  But, I didn’t get all that hurt, it wasn’t that big of a deal and I’m pretty sure no one saw it.

How many times do we fall flat on our faces in life? 

Whether or not anyone is looking, what then, is our next step?  Do we tuck it away to be upset about later, hang onto, resent, or forget it completely with the potential of doing it over and over again?

I may not be the most graceful or coordinated person.  When I fall, I tend to like to do it big.  I usually know people are watching and how I respond is going to say a lot about me.  Ignoring it would show that I’m un-evolved.  Acknowledging it for what it is (NOT what it is not) using it as a tool for momentum, has worked well.   

Here’s to falling on my face a lot in 2012.

This will mean I am taking chances rather than stewing or playing it safe, regretting or ruminating about what I could have done differently.  This, really, is what I loved about 2011.  I feel older and wiser for all of the lessons I was able to learn and the ability to see them as such.

Until next year, when I do NOT write another New Year post!


Steven said...

i love the pic that u put with the story. although i doubt it looked that bad when it happened to you. i love the post. good message. hope your injuries heal soon. here's to new...

Joleen said...

"Uplifting" message! I liked the pic too. All the best in 2012!

Violet said...

As always, yours is one of the most inspirational corners of the web! Here's to an amazing 2012 for you and your kiddos!