Oh my, what a day and what a week I am anticipating. So many things on the agenda and here I have a relatively slow day, yet I feel like I am just spinning my wheels getting NOTHING done instead of EVERYTHING! I think it’s just too much of too much and demands (mostly that I’ve placed) on my time.
Here’s what I really need to do:
- Complete (OK, start) some real Spring Cleaning.
- Touch up painting inside my home, mostly in the kids’ rooms
- Clean all of the leaves out of the flowerbeds that I was too lazy to deal with last Fall
- Draft my fitness plan and THEN, put it into action. I was holding off to see if I’d make it to the next round as a finalist for Mamavation, so now that I’ve found out I’ll be participating in the “Move It or Lose It” campaign instead, I can move on.
I had wanted to have a post with more “meat” today and share a more mapped out near future. But, I guess I’m feeling the way I’m feeling and there’s no getting around it. So, instead of just not doing it because it’s not perfect, (as I would normally) I’m going to just work through it and try to avoid negative self-talk. I CAN do it and I don’t have to be derailed.
So, here’s a small snapshot of what’s to come over the course of the next few months on Life & Times of Me:
- A stage production at the community theatre
- A concrete fitness plan, goals and results that I will be sharing with you and even asking your advice
- My very first 5K
- Product Reviews of items that I use and trust, along with products that I receive to sample. I will only post what I would recommend for myself, my family and in my household. I’m very excited about the companies I’m partnering with to present these to you.
- Real Food/Native Nutrition posts, recipes and tips.
- Gardening and Planting Season – it will eventually arrive won’t it?
- Maybe I’ll write about the Elephant in the Room topic that those of you who know me well, know I need to talk about. I said maybe, but not until it’s final.
- Summer fun with the kids and our whacky adventures
- A trip to Italy
My feet are going to take me in some new directions this year and revisiting many old ones as well. I was able to get back into my previous walking routine until we had another cold snap and snow, which also coincided with becoming busier and not being able to shuffle things around. But, I intend to get back to at least 4 miles per day.
At the end of the last year, I started hiking for the first time and loved it, so I’ll be picking that up again when the trails thaw and re-solidify. Zumba and Yoga will remain part of the scheme of things for me as well as using more weight training, which I’ve not been real good at doing and my upper body SOOOO needs it.
I’m also interested in trying new things this year like a 5K, an Amazing Race event, Roller Derby, Turbo Fit, Hustle, canoeing and white water rafting. If it looks fun I’m going to try it, instead of being afraid or insecure that I will “look stupid.” I can honestly say there are probably many more things now a days that make me look stupid!
(This portion of this post is brought to you by Earth Footwear)
What do you do to push yourself through demanding times and not get derailed? Where are your feet taking you this year?