Saturday, February 18, 2012

So, what's the deal with Omega 3's, anyway?

We should take better care of our brains.  How often does anyone really even think of that on a basic level?  After all, this is what affects the types of decisions we make, our ability to make them and how things flow (or not flow) in our lives.

At the risk of sounding like Jerry Seinfeld, What IS the deal with omega-3's?  We hear a lot about it and see it advertised, but do we really know what they are and why they are good for you?

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are polyunsaturated fats that our bodies need but cannot produce. Therefore, they must be consumed through food or supplements.  In short, omega-3 essential fatty acids:
  • support healthy heart and body
  • support healthy mood, mind, and memory
  • support healthy skin, hair, and hormones
  • support healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels
Truly there is a overwhelming body of research on the health benefits that once I took a look at, I couldn't ignore not getting more of this in my diet when I first learned more about it 9 years ago.  It made me wonder why there isn't more emphasis on this somewhat missing ingredient in our lives.  For example, depression rates are significantly lower in societies whose diets primarily include fish.  There are also studies regarding it's importance in various cancers, female health and reproduction, joint and tissue inflammation, and organ-specific research.  So much, I won't bog you down with it, but doesn't it sound extremely important?

As Americans, unless you make a point to have healthy levels of omega-3's in your daily intake, you are probably not getting enough.  I think of particularly here in the Midwest, since omega-3's are naturally occurring in fish.  We are landlocked with majority of rural folks not having access to good seafood.  Also, most people eat grain-fed meats and poultry here. High levels of omega-3's are found in animals and animal products that are grass-fed: meat, dairy, eggs, etc.

So, not only taking care of our brains, but our overall well-being when you take a look at what a deficiency in omega-3's might look like!

  • Fatigue
  • Poor memory
  • Immune weakness
  • Dry skin, eczema, or hair loss
  • Heart problems
  • Reproductive problems (men and women)
  • Mood swings or depression
  • Poor circulation
I know my kids are getting a good level of omega-3's already because we only eat grass-fed beef, which, believe me, costs a pretty penny in corn country!  But, it's worth every cent.  I also have a stash of fish from this past summer we eat on and the Lenten season is coming up, so we'll be eating even more!

I haven't had health benefits for nearly 5 years, so nutrition is pretty important to us as I know it's key in their overall well-being, development and behavior. If you're constantly going to the doctor for rounds of all sorts of ailments, which kids tend to get, I recommend looking at their nutrition.  And omega-3's are a good place to start. 

As an aside, my children haven't had a need to be seen by a doctor in nearly 3 years.  We've had some sniffles here and there, but they usually avoid most of the illnesses going around school, which is great for them and great for Mommy.  Their dry skin issues have decreased by nearly 100%, too.

Over time, I have seen a difference in my own dry skin, immune system and mental clarity by introducing omega-3's into my diet. Since having children, I've dealt with mental "fog" and fatigue.  Making dietary changes has improved this immensely!  I have also not had the need to see a doctor in the past couple of years as well.

Nordic Naturals, the leading supplier of omega oil supplements in the natural products industry, sent me a bottle of Ultimate Omega-D3, along with a goodie bag of other samples from the company.

I couldn't wait to get a dose into my kids since it supports the brain, eyes, nervous and immune system.  I figure they can't get enough!
 My 4 year old devoured the sample of the Nordic Berries chewables, and has been asking for more.

After a bit of coaxing I got my 7 year old to chew up and swallow the Ultimate Omega Junior, but he admitted they were "not terrible."  He is just not a fan of strawberry anything.

They both loved the Omega-3 Effervescent - it reminded me of a lighter version of Tang!

I've been using the Ultimate Omega-D3 which has Double-strength EPA+DHA for increased omega-3 benefits so you can just take it once per day.  Also, (pictured in my photo above) their awesome Lip Balm made with Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Sunflower Oil, Organic Beeswax, Vitamin E, and Organic Calendula Extract. Ingredients that I can trust, because I know what they are!
Nordic Naturals provides a commitment to delivering the world's safest, most effective omega oils, so if you're looking to supplement what you're already doing, you can have confidence in these high-quality products.  They are pure, fresh, have a great taste and sustainable with 100% of their fish being wild-caught in Norwegian fisheries.  They also test their products independently to guarantee all of the above!

I will continue to value this company as a source to providing these supplements to our family for optimal health.

Here are some ways you can learn more and connect with Nordic Naturals:

On the web: 
Additional resources:

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